
    Broken Egg Clay

    Artist Statement:

    "Working through a sudden shift in life style and finding my perspective and voice as a ceramic artist.

    "I am a hard working mother of two. I received my BFA in ceramics, but dropped the art for a steady pay check. Since COVID hit, I was forced to take a leave from my job of 15 years in order to take care of my 5 year old twins. The blessing, however, is that I’ve had the opportunity to rediscover my love and passion for ceramics!

    "I love every aspect of clay, and am still working to find my voice in the medium. I love to throw on the wheel and alter forms with a more sculptural process. In addition, I find a unique take on parts of the human body we see and use every day! It makes you uncomfortable and laugh at the same time.

    "It’s important to me that all of my art in approachable, which is why I live to make functional work. Things you aren’t afraid to pick up and use every day.

    "As I find my voice and my perspective, I hope you enjoy and follow my journey!"

    -Emily Gaudioso

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